Ten Amazing Rare Lincoln Cents Worth a Lot of Money

Lincoln Cents, the most popularly collected series of coins produced by the United States, marks their 115th year of production in 2024. Throughout that time, the U.S. Mint has struck over 540 billion one-cent coins and is expected to produce eight billion more this year.

The “commonness” of Lincoln Cents helped make collecting them a favorite pastime for Americans, especially during the Great Depression when money was tight. Indeed, collecting Lincoln Cents has been widely considered a rite of passage for generations of coin collectors.

But while many of these coins are quite common (like the pennies in that jar full of loose change that you may have tucked away), some Lincoln Cents are quite rare and extremely valuable. It is because of these coins that building a complete set of Lincoln Cents is out of reach for most of us. Even those with the resources to buy any coin they want will find that building a complete set can take a lifetime – as it did for collector Stewart Blay, whose amazing collection GreatCollections sold in January 2023 for record prices.

Do you want to know which Lincoln Cents are the most interesting or valuable? We present CoinWeek’s picks for the “Top 10” Lincoln Cents.

#10. 1992 Close AM: A Rare Cent That Can Be Found in Change

1992 Close-AM Lincoln Cent. Image: Stack's Bowers / CoinWeek.

In 1992, the United States Mint re-cut the Lincoln Cent reverse master hub to sharpen the details and create a better strike. And while the design remained nearly identical, the lettering in the legend UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was shifted slightly. In the older design, the letters “AM” are separated; in the new version, these letters are almost touching. Intended for release in 1993, several new reverse dies were nonetheless used in 1992 by both the Philadelphia and Denver mints (there are roughly a dozen examples of the 1992-D Close AM known, the first discovered in December 2001 by collector Colin Kusch). The 1992 Philadelphia Close AM is slightly rarer. First discovered in May 2006 by Michigan coin collector Parker Ogilvie, there are roughly 10 known examples.

#9. 1922 No D: An Error That Looks Like Something It Isn’t

1922 Plain D Lincoln Cent.

In 1922, only Denver produced Lincoln Cents. Why, then, do 1922 cents without mintmarks exist? The answer is complicated.

When the die shop at the Philadelphia Mint produces dies for the branch mints, it adds a letter or series of letters to the coin to denote the branch mint of origin. Excepting the 1942-45 “War” Nickels, coins struck at the main mint did not carry a mintmark. This changed in 1979 with the release of the Susan B. Anthony Dollar. Other denominations followed, but outside of a few limited instances, Lincoln Cents struck at the Philadelphia Mint do not carry a mintmark.

As originally shipped, all dies used to strike 1922 cents at the Denver Mint did have a mintmark punch applied to the dies, including the 1922 No D.

Technically this is not a true variety but a die state. As is often the case, dies become damaged during use. If a die is repairable, a mint worker might efface the die to remove the damage (such as clash marks). In this instance, the “D” mintmark was polished off the die accidentally.

While the 1922 Denver mintage of cents stands at just over seven million coins, this die state accounts for a mere fraction of the total number. They are rare and often faked, and interested collectors should ensure they purchase only certified examples.

#8. 1914-D: A Low-Mintage Regular Issue That Slipped Through the Cracks

United States 1914-D Lincoln cent

Having one of the smallest mintages–second only to the 1909-S VDB and the 1931-S–the 1914-D Lincoln Cent is one of the key dates for the entire series.

In 1913, the Denver Mint struck nearly 16 million coins and in 1915 it made over 22 million. And while Philadelphia struck over 75 million cents in 1914 and San Francisco produced over four million, Denver struck only 1,193,000 coins – a very low mintage, even for Denver. Further, PCGS Coinfacts estimates that only about 10% of this original mintage survives. We believe that this number is wildly optimistic and that perhaps fewer than 50,000 exist in desirable grades; thank the penny board craze of the 1930s for inspiring collectors to put aside even that many.

By 1957, high-grade examples of the 1914-D were selling for as much as $210 ($2,347.93 adjusted for inflation). Most of these are from a hoard of 700 pieces that came to market in that decade.

#7. 1944 Steel Cent: An Off-Metal Error Highly Regarded by Collectors

1944 Steel Cent.

A companion off-metal error to the 1943 Bronze Cent, the 1944 Steel Cent was produced when the Mint switched to copper planchets made from recycled shell casings in 1944.

There are two possible ways that 1944 Steel Cents were struck at the Philadelphia Mint: either old 1943 steel planchets slipped into the production line or steel blanks intended for foreign coinage did. The latter wasn’t possible at Denver or San Francisco as neither facility struck zinc-coated steel coins for foreign governments that year. Consequently, while there are 25 to 30 known Philadelphia coins and seven known from Denver, there are only two known from San Francisco.

As Fred Weinberg, Mint Error Specialist/Consultant for PCGS noted, these coins have the unfair reputation of being the “poor sister of the more famous 1943 Copper Cent.” Instead, they should be viewed as fascinating and rare pieces in their own right!

#6. 1909-S VDB: A Controversial Low-Mintage Issue With Quite a Story

David Lawrence Rare Coins Key Date Lincoln Cents

For the longest time, this coin was considered the “King of Lincoln Cents”. The 1909-S VDB is the San Francisco striking of Victor David Brenner’s original approved design.

1909 marked the centennial of President Abraham Lincoln’s birth, and to honor him, the Mint debuted a stunning new coin design featuring Lincoln on the obverse and two wheat stalks on the reverse. Brenner adapted his obverse effigy from an earlier medal. The wheat reverse was a simpler (dare we say, more modern) interpretation of the traditional wreath design.

Brenner was not a Mint artist and thought the coin design would propel his career forward. The inclusion of his initials on the final design was not untoward or unusual for medalists or sculptors. The American public, however–with the help of the media–saw the initials as self-aggrandizing, and the Treasury Department quickly sought their removal. The Mint pulled Brenner’s initials within days, and only 484,000 of the 2,309,000 cents stuck at the San Francisco Mint in that year have the VDB. This makes the 1909-S VDB the rarest circulating-issue Lincoln Cent.

#5. 1955 Doubled Die Cent: A Cent With a Striking Error That Will Make You See Double

1955 Doubled Die Cent.

The 1955 Doubled Die variety is quite dramatic and was instantly sought after upon its discovery. The doubling was caused when the position of the die rotated slightly between impressions from the hub. It is most notable on the motto IN GOD WE TRUST and the word LIBERTY, as well as the date 1955.

The day these coins were struck, three cent presses were operating at the Philadelphia Mint. All dumped their completed coins into one box. The inspector failed to notice the defective die until over 40,000 pieces were struck, by which time 24,000 specimens of the variety were intermingled with non-defective coins. Sixteen thousand pieces were isolated and then melted, but the rest were released into standard circulation. Many were famously paid out as change in cigarette vending machines.

#4. 1969-S Doubled Die Cent: A Rare Doubled Die Error Still Found in Change

1969-S Doubled Die Cent.

As with the 1955 Doubled Die Cent, this coin was created by a blundered die. The 1969-S Doubled Die is much rarer than the 1955, with fewer than 40 examples certified. This surviving population is so small because the offending die was discovered quite quickly.

But collectors beware! Virtually no sooner had it been discovered than the 1969-S fell victim to a counterfeiting scheme. In 1969, Roy Gray and Morton Goodman worked together to create several fakes, including the 1969 Doubled Die Lincoln Cent. Reportedly, some authentic examples also got caught up in the Secret Service’s hunt for the Gray/Goodman counterfeits and were destroyed.

The main way to tell authentic 1969-S Doubled Die Obverse Cents from fakes is that the real coins will not have doubled mintmarks. This was because the mintmark was punched into the die by hand after the doubling occurred.

Honorable Mention – 1960 Small Date: A Coin That Started a Collecting Boom

1960 Small Date Lincoln cent (left). 1960 Large Date (right).

Before we get to the top three, here’s an honorable mention for a coin that was important to the growth of the hobby as we know it today.

The U.S. Mint updated the master dies for the Lincoln Cent midyear in 1960. As with the 1992 Close AM above, dies of both the old and new styles were put into use. Unlike the 1992 Close AM, however, far more of the older Small Date coins were struck and released, making the variety much more collectible.

As soon as collectors became aware of the situation, interest in the variety exploded and astute dealers were more than eager to sell the coins. Incidentally, the 1960 Small Date Lincoln Cent is often called the coin that launched Coin World. By the mid-1960s, the variety was selling for almost $10 each – quite a sum for the time.

#3. 1983 Bronze Cent: A New Transitional Rarity Emerges

1983 Lincoln Cent, Bronze Off-Metal Error. Image: GreatCollections / CoinWeek.
















By the early 1980s, the Mint had finally decided to permanently change the composition of its cent planchets in order to save money due to rising copper prices. Not going as far as using aluminum (a kind of Lincoln Cent that does exist but that you most definitely cannot find in change), in August 1982 the Mint switched a planchet made of a 99.2% zinc core plated with pure copper.

But somehow, a few planchets of the old copper composition were struck in 1983, the first full year of the new “Zincoln“. To emphasize their rarity, it took over 23 years for a roll-searching collector to discover the first of these new transitional off-metal errors. Nearly 20 years later, only a handful have been pulled from circulation.

How much are they worth? On July 28, 2024, GreatCollections sold the finest known example for a record $26,000 – almost $4,000 more than the discovery coin sold for in 2013.

How rare are they? No one knows for sure, but there are more 1943 Bronze Cents known at this time than 1983s.

#2. 1958 Doubled Die: The King of the Lincoln Cent Doubled Dies

The 1958 Doubled Die Lincoln Cent is a controversial coin. It is also one of the most valuable. The “king” of the Lincoln Cent doubled dies, only three examples are known. The doubling is dramatic, with the legend LIBERTY and the motto IN GOD WE TRUST being the most pronounced.

The coins were discovered in 1960, reportedly by Philadelphia collector Charles Ludovico. The rarity of the issue caused many to wonder whether these were intentional Mint products or even forgeries. When the Mint was allowed to study Ludovico’s specimen, they determined that the coin was authentic. In the 1990s, a Mint State example of this elusive coin traded for just over $25,000 – a bargain, given that the variety has since sold for over one million dollars.

#1. 1943 Bronze Cent: The “Holy Grail” of Lincoln Cent Mint Errors

Famous 1943 Bronze Cent Error Coin Offered by GreatCollections

At number one is the most coveted of all Lincoln Cent error coins: the 1943 Bronze Cent. Struck during World War II, this error coin was created when the United States made cents from zinc-coated steel planchets as it diverted its copper stockpile for the war effort.

While most current literature points to general war scarcity, some numismatists believe that this switch in metals was intended to instill a sense of ownership and sacrifice to the war effort on the part of ordinary citizens. Regardless, the U.S. Mint adopted the new planchet type for only one year. Unlike at the Philadelphia and San Francisco mints, where it is thought that some old 1942 planchets accidentally remained in the coin press feeding bins, no such error occurred at the Denver Mint. The only known 1943-D Bronze Cent is thought to have been struck by a Mint worker for his collection. With extremely fine detail, it is believed that this coin was struck twice.

A conflicting story states that th1943-D was struck by United States Mint Chief Engraver John R. Sinnock. This particular coin was not discovered until much later, when it was examined by ANACS in 1979. The coin sold in 2021 by Heritage Auctions for $840,000.

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