1909 S VDB Penny Value: Just How Rare And Just How Valuable?

In coin collecting, there are certain rare coins that even the general public knows are expensive and elusive.

  • The 1943 bronze cent is one of those coins.
  • The 1804 silver dollar is another.

But perhaps the one coin that really seems to keep getting attention (and deservedly so) is the 1909 S VDB penny. It’s one of the most famous rare coins.

Yes, there are rarer coins, but the 1909 S VDB cent is so popular because:

  • It has a relatively small mintage of just 484,000.
  • It belongs to one of the most popular coin series (Lincoln cents).
  • Many people love the story behind the coin.

Learn the story behind this rare but popular coin. See why it’s so rare, and what it’s worth today…

Why All The Fuss?

So, why is the 1909-S VDB penny so special?

Perhaps the most important part of the story all comes down to the initials on the back of the coin.

V.D.B. are the initials for Victor David Brenner, the renowned designer of the Lincoln cent.

Brenner placed his initials on the reverse side of the coin — near the bottom rim, below the wheat stalks.

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